As of 3:45pm, according to, it reached 101 degrees at LaGuardia Airport, which is not too far from my neighborhood. I just took a short walk to the ATM and local Walgreen's, and to say it's hot out there is an understatement!
I'm just hoping that everyone in this city does their part to conserve electricity during this heatwave. Otherwise, we're going to be up Shit's Creek without a paddle! Like Mayor Bloomberg has suggested, setting your air conditioners for 78 degrees indoors is still a
lot cooler than 101 degrees outside. The temperature in my apartment is currently 80 degrees, and it's not uncomfortable.
Seriously, folks, it's better to have your air conditioners on low, than to have no power, and no air conditioning or refrigeration whatsoever. For more info on the heatwave you can visit
NY1 News. You can also download a copy of the "
Ready New York: Beat the Heat Guide".