Sunday, December 28, 2003

Well, this sure isn't the way to spend my time off after Christmas - sick at home with some kind of bug! Odd thing is, aside from nasal and chest congestion, and an overall tired feeling, I don't feel all that bad. I'm hoping that this is as bad as it will get. I was supposed to help out at The Bear Search and Rescue Foundation's booth at The New York National Boat Show this afternoon, but there's no way that I could schlep into the city from Queens feeling like this. I'm supposed to help out tomorrow and during the rest of the week, too. Not sure what's going to happen with that, although I really want to go. On the positive side, if I'm too sick to enjoy my scheduled vacation day tomorrow, I'll use a sick day instead of wasting a vacation day.

This is weird. My intestines are making all sorts of weird noises, and pretty loud ones, at that. Nothing else is happening, just a lot of noise. Strange. Of course, I don't want them to do anything outside of normal intestinal stuff. No thank you!

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