Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Please Help Me Raise Funds for Blood Cancer Research

CRAWL, CAROL, CRAWL!!! - The Sequel!

Last year:I DID IT!!! I walked all 26.2 miles in the Walt Disney World Marathon on 1/10/2010. It was 25 degrees at the starting line at 5:45AM, which is unusually cold for Florida. It only took me 7:23:03 (that's 7 hours, 23 minutes and 3 seconds) to do it, too!

YOU DID IT!!! You all helped me cross that finish line! Your generous donations and moral support were what kept me going after around mile 18, when things got a bit tough. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!

This year: Not only am I doing it again, I've also signed up as a Team Disney Mentor! I've signed up to walk the full marathon in Walt Disney World to support The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Team In Training. I'm committing to walking 26.2 miles in this event, and beating last year's time.

In doing so, my goal is to raise at least $3,000 for LLS to help bring hope and at least some ease of mind to people facing blood cancers like leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma and myeloma.

Be sure to visit the "Crawl, Carol, CRAWL!!!" blog for updates at http://crawlcarolcrawl.blogspot.com

Want a cool t-shirt, button or water bottle?

Visit the "Crawl, Carol, CRAWL!!!" Store at


The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is projected to fall a staggering $25 million short of their national budget this year. So what does that mean? That means that for some, the LLS co-pay fund that once helped cover the costs of medications and doctor visits is now depleted. That also means that research funding is being scaled back, slowing advancements in treatments and towards a cure.

Your donation can make such a huge difference. It funds research, assists patients with small reimbursements for treatment expenses, and most important- it brings hope to so many. Please donate what you can. I know the economy is tough on us all, but please think as big and dig as deep as you're able. Every dollar counts.

If you're not able to donate, there are loads of other ways you can help me make this happen. I've listed them below, and they're equally important and greatly appreciated.

To donate by check, you can make checks payable to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, and mail them to me at the following address:

Carol Martzinek

Courtroom Connect

75 Maiden Lane - Suite 804

New York, NY 10038

Some other ways you can help me "Crawl, Carol, CRAWL!!!":

* If you have a facebook page, please share the following link on your profile every week or so: http://tinyurl.com/crawlcarolcrawl2011 and encourage your friends to donate and share it as well.

* If you have a blog or website, if you could post a link to my Team in Training website with a small blurb like the one below, it will help tremendously:

* "Crawl, Carol, CRAWL!!!" - Please support Carol as she trains to walk in her second marathon to raise funds for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team in Training. http://pages.teamintraining.org/nyc/wdw11/cmartzinek

* If you know of anyone who would be interested buying an arm or a leg, and having their company name prominently displayed in multi-colored Sharpie ink, please have them contact me at crawlcarolcrawl@gmail.com

* If you know of any local media that might be interested in including a short story about this, please let me know and I will e-mail them.

Thanks for taking the time to read and for anything you can do to help me "Crawl, Carol, CRAWL!!!" Be sure to check back frequently to see my progress. Thanks for your support!

I'm halfway to my fundraising minimum of $2,550. I have $1,225 to raise by mid-December, or I'll be eating Ramen noodles for the next year. Can you help with a small donation? http://pages.teamintraining.org/nyc/wdw11/cmartzinek

Posted via email from mscarolm's posterous

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