Friday, October 15, 2004

I drove my sister's Jeep for the first time today! I was a bit nervous, because up until now, I've been driving little tiny cars that are low to the ground. I also haven't been out driving since I failed my road test two weeks ago. My sister was a bit nervous, because this was the first time she had ever been in a car with me driving, and it was her car that I was driving. I did lots better than I thought I would. I didn't hit anything, although I did get a bit close to the cars parked on the right side of the street at one point. I was surprised at how easy it was to drive such a big car, and it was a much smoother ride than any of the Toyota Corollas and Chevy Prisms that I've been used to driving. I even did well on my turns for a change! Maybe I'll be able to talk her into letting me use the Jeep for my next road test, whenever I get around to scheduling it.

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