Saturday, July 01, 2006

I've just crossed over into...

the "Twilight Zone".

Not sure if it's a board glitch or what, but no matter what I do, since around 9 o'clock last night, I can't get into a new message board that I'm helping get set up. One minute I was logged in, and the next, I was getting the log-in screen. Which would've been fine, except it wouldn't take my user name or password, wouldn't let me re-set my password, and wouldn't let me register a new account.

It's kind of funny in a twisted way. The board "techie" gets locked out! I'm guessing that whatever happened is some sort of weird glitch or accident. As far as I know, I haven't done nothing worthy of being ex-communicated (and if I have, no one's told me anything). I'm just hoping it gets fixed soon.!

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