Sunday, July 20, 2003

Martha Stewart, watch out! I am turning into a domestic decorating goddess, which is a very scary thought. Tuesday, it was a trip to IKEA. Today, I stopped at the Penn Station KMart, and bought two cans of ivory spray paint. That, combined with a pillowcase I bought in the 99-cent store and the staple gun I bought at Target last weekend, resulted in new life for a second-hand chair. Actually, there are two chairs, but I only painted one of them today. It came out looking really good, and not like I did it myself. Then, I covered the cushions on one of my livingroom chairs with a pair of mauve pillowcases from the 99-cent store. It looks so good, I'm going to pick up two more matching pillowcases for the other livingroom chair. I'm not sure which is scarier - the fact that I actually did a do-it-yourself project, or the way I'm looking around my apartment and thinking of 101 other things I can do with my staple gun, spray paint and a bit of fabric.

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