Saturday, July 19, 2003

My upstairs neighbor is a dumbass. Really, he is. There are two apartments in this house, and we usually get two of each piece of junk mail. So, what does my dumbass neighbor do? He leaves them both for me! Wait, it gets better. Not only does he leave them both in the mailbox for me, but he will leave the same piece of junk mail in the mailbox for days without taking it, and then slide it under my door for me to deal with. Now, if he doesn't want it, what makes him think that I want two of 'em???

So, last night, I left a post-it on the piece of junk mail that he's left for me for the past day or two saying "Thanks, but I already have one of these." This morning, I find a response to my post-it stuck on my door that says "Please give me a chance to pick up my mail." Now, I could understand that if he hadn't already picked up every other piece of his mail except the piece of junk mail. That was the only thing left in the mailbox. So, in order to keep the peace, I left him a note that said "No problem. I just thought you were leaving me the coupons in case I wanted them. Most of the time I don't use them, so feel free to just trash 'em if you don't want them." Guaranteed, next junk mail delivery, I'll have two of everything sitting and waiting for me again. Why? Because he's a dumbass.

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